Employment through Heritage Project (EHP) is a four-year project (2018-2022) focusing on the non-profit company Sela, and efforts to ensure more Jordanians and local community members gain sustainable employment in the country’s heritage sector. Sela is a non-profit company based in Petra, Jordan, whose mission is to promote sustainable preservation of archaeological and heritage sites by providing hands-on vocational training in heritage conservation to local communities. Through this training, Jordanians can build their capacity and access sustainable jobs while also increasing their sense of ownership towards cultural heritage. Under EHP, supported by the Drosos Foundation, Sela works with government departments in Jordan to create a recognized training and certification scheme which allows trainees greater employment opportunities. As part of EHP, SPI has helped Sela develop its business plan and train staff so it can be financially sustainable, creating sustainable heritage enterprises in the communities that they operate in.

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banner photo credit: Mahmoud Hussein Abdassalam