In bandurria spi is working with a local reed artisan community to provide them with a sustainable livelihood and a place to live which turns them from those who threaten the site to those who can most act to preserve it
SPI has built and opened new retail and production space for the community - designed by a local architect with full consultation of the artisans.
Led by Peruvian graphic designers from local universities, a new brand and logo for the artisans has been developed, spearheading the drive for new sales.
These interventions have boosted sales and left the artisans with a stronger business!
The big thing we have learned
An existing contract with an international supplier paid very little in a market overcrowded with generic product. Unique products incorporating local cultural heritage and a strong domestic market will be the foundation for success!
The Future
Local and national authorities, impressed by the work so far, are enthusiastic supporters of the project.