The impressive site of sillustani has the potential to hugely contribute to its local community. SPi is working to give that community the skills to make the most of that opportunity
The Site
In the Andes near Lake Titicaca, Sillustani is an impressive complex of ‘chullpa’ tombs constructed by the Kolla culture (1200-1450 AD) which was conquered by the Incas in the 15th Century. The chullpas were the resting places of noble families, giving us a key insight into power and family life in this period. Sillustani is the the best preserved and most important collection of these tombs in Peru.
The Community
The local community of Sillustani live and work in the shadow of the site, with many living along the route tourists take to the site. While the site receives a significant number of tourists, the local community’s ability to take advantage of this economic opportunity is limited by their lack of business skills to make their local cultural heritage the foundation of a thriving community.
The Project
SPI is working with the local women's artisan association, helping them with business skills and to manufacture and sell hand-made products to visitors. Making products themselves increases profit margins and makes more attractive products. We are also working with artisans in the wider region so the local women can sell a wide range of products, bringing them new and sustainable income.
Beginning in July 2016, the women have received training in weaving and textile production to manufacture a new collection based on local heritage. Expert trainers from nearby cities were able to show them new techniques to strengthen their business.
Training has now been completed and the women have sold the first items of their new collections, and are working hard to sell more!
the big thing we learned
It is still early days but group unity and vision is key to a successful project!
The Future
The project is just beginning, there is so much more to do to make this community thrive!