Happy Holidays From Our Family to Yours!
SPI wishes you and your loved ones a very Happy Holiday! We all have much to be thankful for this season, as do the artisans and entrepreneurs we have supported. Here at SPI we are especially thankful for you, our donors, partners, and supporters around the world. Your past support has made a world of difference. To see the impact, check out this video about our work. And to help us build more futures and save more sites, click here.
Buy Gifts Online from the Women of Kaminaljuyu!
A bracelet from the Rebirth Kaminaljuyu Project.
The jewellery of our artisans at the site of Kaminaljuyu in Guatemala is now available online!! The Rebirth Kaminaljuyu line was produced by and designed in conjunction with the 12 women cooperative there, drawing upon both their lives and the incredible archaeology and iconography of this urban site. Necklaces, bracelets and more. What a great holiday gift and a wonderful way to support these women...to buy click here.
New Bicycle Tour Programs With National Geographic
We told you in our last newsletter about our exciting new project in collaboration with National Geographic at the site of Pachacamac, Perú. Twelve women and men, ages 18-22, will be giving bicycle tours of the almost 5 square mile monumental site. We developed an intensive business and bicycling training program, including site knowledge, customer service, bike maintenance, first aid, and management. Demand has been amazingly high and the reviews fantastic, and our tour leaders are already earning meaningful income in their new jobs With National Geographic we are going to expand this program to other sites in Peru...stay tuned for site announcements.
New Countries: Tanzania and Bulgaria
The World Heritage site of Kilwa Kisiwani, Tanzania, and the modern community living within it.
It's official, SPI is expanding! We are taking our paradigm, featuring our "mini business school" for people with little formal education, to Tanzania and Bulgaria. We have had incredible success building futures and saving pasts - jobs created, women empowered, and an end to site destruction. Time to enter some new countries!!
SPI empowers women and preserves heritage. And we want to do more of that. We cannot do this alone. We need your help to keep building futures and saving pasts. The more support we receive for this mission, the more effective the results. Please join us in helping impoverished communities and the archaeological sites around which they live. Any donation you make will be greatly appreciated.