National Geographic

SPI Update: More Projects, More Empowered Communities

SPI Update: More Projects, More Empowered Communities

Whether in Peru, Guatemala, Jordan, Tanzania or Bulgaria, these women overcome enormous obstacles every day just to survive. They tell us how their new jobs enable them to feed their families better, keep their children in school, get better access to health care, and give them confidence in all aspects of their lives. Machismo is no joke in many of these communities.

Holidays Gifts from SPI Artisans, and More

Holidays Gifts from SPI Artisans, and More

The jewellery of our artisans at the site of Kaminaljuyu in Guatemala is now available online! The Rebirth Kaminaljuyu line was produced by and designed in conjunction with the 12 women cooperative there, drawing upon both their lives and the incredible archaeology and iconography of this urban site. Necklaces, bracelets and more. 

Bicycle Tours, New Countries, and Yes Jeopardy

Bicycle Tours, New Countries, and Yes Jeopardy

We inaugurated an exciting new project at the site of Pachacamac, Peru last monthTwelve women and men, ages 18-22, will be giving bicycle tours of the almost 5 square mile monumental site.  We developed an intensive business and bicycling training program, including site knowledge, customer service, bike maintenance, first aid, and management. 

SPI Partners With National Geographic

SPI Partners With National Geographic

We’re thrilled to announce a new partnership with the National Geographic Society!  We will conducting several of our sustainable development and capacity building projects in Peru in association with the GlobalXplorer project.